Now here is someone who has a definite future both as an artist and with various car companies.
Some people have way too much time on their hands, but this guy has time and skill. I could never had made something like that. Plus, if you watch all the way through, you can see shading. I never thought of shading something, much less doing it well enough to make it look like it was made in a Computer Aided Design program. That is billboard quality.
I wish youtube supported Typepad as a blogging site. You might have noticed that the only videos I post directly on the blog are videos from Google Video. Google Video, unlike Youtube, supports Typepad as a blogging site. Unfortunately, because Youtube does not, I have to link to all the videos that are on Youtube and my reader(s) have to endure ads and moronic comments from the masses. And, of course, chain comments. I have no idea why anyone continues with chain comments.